AYP Monologue Competition With Percelle Ascott, Rita Bernard-Shaw, Mia McKenna-Bruce, Bani Mendy and Luke Davies
Jun 29, 2020
In Collaboration with Rita Bernard-Shaw, Percelle Ascott, Mia McKenna-Bruce, Bani Mendy and Luke Davies, AYP will be hosting a Monologue Competition for young people in London aged between 14 and 17.
Competition Rules:
1) Young person’s Parent/Carer must complete the online consent form for the competition
2) Participant must follow AYP’s Instagram page @ansaryouth
3) Monologue must be no longer than 2 minutes
4) You can use one of the monologues suggested or choose your own monologue. Their monologue must not consist of any foul language, inappropriate sexual comments or anything associated with racism or hatred
Competition Prizes
- 121 Meet with the judges
- Professional camera
- Gift Vouchers
- Winners’ monologues will be shared by judges to help the winners get seen by professional directors and casting managers
Monologue Ideas
Parental Consent Form (AYP Member)
Parental Consent Form (Non-AYP Members)
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